Meet Beth: Pastor at Barrow Community Church

Beth Dickinson is not only a mom and a wife—but she’s also our pastor—the lead pastor at Barrow Community Church. BCC, as we call it, went through an unexpected pastoral change back in February, and shortly after, we learned that Beth was going to be appointed as our interim pastor. I remember the first time I spoke on the phone with Beth—she just exuded excitement and happiness and her optimism was infectious. I serve as SPR chair at BCC, so I was the first person from church who got to speak with her, and I was heavily involved in her transition to the church…so I’ve seen a lot of the hard work Beth has put in, and a lot of what she is doing behind the scenes.

After learning about Beth’s story, I was struck at how she walked into our church with her heart wide open and ready to take on the challenge of a congregation who had journeyed down a path of uncertainty in the preceding months before she arrived. Beth spent the last three years out on medical leave due to a very rare condition called Thoracic Outlet Syndrome—a condition where the nerves and blood vessels become compressed between the collar bone and the first rib. This condition can be very painful and debilitating and Beth endured a lot of pain, and six surgeries in three different states as she and her family walked the road to recovery from her condition.

After her final surgery in Boston, her condition improved to where she could finally consider going back to ministry. It just so happened that around that time, there was a little church a few miles down the road from her who was in need of a pastor.

Beth came to BCC and took on the challenges that faced her with strength, dignity and grace. She had quite a lot thrown at her…she was suddenly responsible for bringing a congregation together, helping to heal past wounds, finding a way to improve the church’s financial situation, figure out how to run the church database, website, and sign, and basically start building the church back up from the foundation level. Then, if that weren’t enough, a pandemic struck, and only a few weeks in, Beth faced an unprecedented situation that there was no guidebook for….the temporary closing of our church due to Covid19.

God’s timing is perfect, and looking back, it’s amazing to see how He aligned everything for Beth to come serve at Barrow Community Church. As Beth recovered from her surgeries, she and her family did a lot of “home church”….and this gave her a unique perspective in how to lay the groundwork for worship at home for our congregation. Each week she engages the congregation on social media, has given ideas for home communion, services, kids actives and books…and our church has flourished under her leadership.

It’s been incredible to see the “ship righted” so to speak… to see the healing of our congregation, the amazing outpouring of support for the church financially…to see Beth love our congregation and serve them so well. Beth and her family are truly an amazing blessing to our church and community. Her messages are heart-felt, and hit home every week. The joy that Beth has after the road she has walked, after all she has endured, and after the challenges she has overcome is truly amazing. I know one thing….that Beth was the answer to a lot of prayers that went up from our church—and we are truly blessed to have her.

When I found out Beth’s birthday was next month, I asked if I could do some photos for her as a birthday gift. I had so much fun (as I always do when I’m around her!) hanging out with Beth, Keith, Thomas and Jacob to capture some fun family photos for them. It seemed the perfect time to capture some memories—after all, it’s like a fresh start and a new chapter for Beth as she continues to overcome her condition and officially becomes our lead pastor July 1st. I can’t wait to see where she leads our church—I’m just thankful and blessed to be able to be a part of her ministry. Beth, your strength, courage and faith are truly inspiring. Thank you for all that you do.