Finding Hope in the Storm: The Short Family

I first met this sweet family several years ago when we did a “Mommy and Me” session for Tabetha. Since then, I’ve had the pleasure of working with them for family sessions. A few days ago, I noticed an email from Tabetha, but this time, when I opened it, I felt shocked. Tabetha was writing to inform me, that at the age of 35, she had received a diagnosis of breast cancer. I sat and stared at my computer for a few minutes to process it. Tabetha is 35…young, full of life, and only three years younger than me. Her kids are my kids’ ages…and honestly, it hit me pretty hard.

Tabetha asked to schedule two sessions….one as soon as possible to preserve the memories as she prepares to walk through a storm, and one when she arrived on the other side and beats this diagnosis.

We set up her session, and all day the weather was great—but you know how Georgia summers are—pop up showers can appear out of nowhere…which is exactly what happened to us when we met. At first, I was really disappointed with the weather. I LOVE bright and sunny weather and it fits my style and I wanted these to be perfect for Tabetha…but as we began to work quickly before the storm intensified, I thought how appropriate the weather was…despite dealing with a constant, light rain, dark gray skies, and thunder in the distance, this family smiled, laughed, and enjoyed this time together….and I think it symbolizes where they are right now. They are facing a storm—they are in the storm—but they are going to come out on the other side when the sun is shining…and you can be sure when we do schedule Tabetha’s next session, we are going to be certain it’s a sunny day to reflect that!

Please join me in praying for Tabetha, her husband Kyle, and their precious children Grayson and Ryleigh as they prepare to walk through the unexpected storm of breast cancer. Tabetha is a beautiful, incredible person and I know her faith and her strength will carry her through this.

“So do not fear—for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous hand.” —Isaiah 41:10

My prayers are with you all…and Tabetha—I can’t wait to schedule your next session when you beat this!!