Carter and Katie: Mulberry River Engagement

What an adventure we had! Originally, we planned to shoot Carter and Katie’s engagement session at Hurricane Shoals Park. Katie really wanted a river as a backdrop for her engagement photos, and Hurricane Shoals has a pretty great one! But…neither of us considered the Memorial Day crowd, so when we arrived and saw about 500 people in the river….I knew that was NOT going to work! We went ahead with using the gorgeous field for their casual photos, and I made a phone call to a friend of mine, Beckie, whose backyard adjoins the Mulberry River. I knew how important it was for Katie to have a river in her photos…and thankfully just a few weeks ago, when I photographed Beckie’s family at the river she offered for me to use it for photo sessions.

Carter and Katie agreed, and we headed back down 85 to Braselton. On the way down, a huge dark cloud developed….and y’all, I said a prayer that the rain would hold off and we could get these photos in for this sweet couple who had already had to reschedule twice due to Covid and the weather. We hurried across Beckie’s backyard and scampered down a steep bank to get to the river.

This is a couple who can pretty much read my mind. I was amazed at how easily they fell into the poses and a few times they instincitvely knew what I was going to say before I said it! And, I love that Katie was all about getting in the water! She was an Agriculture major at UGA, so this girl is not afraid to get dirty! Just as we were getting close to finishing, we heard thunder. At that point, we are ALL in the river, and Carter and Katie were in about thigh deep. We quickly finished that round of posing and then I had them splash out as they walked toward me and we hurried onto the bank to grab towels…the rain held off!! I had so much fun laughing with them—they are such a genuine, sweet couple and they are so easy to be around!

A special thank you to Carter, who serves as a nurse in Athens—Carter, thank you SO much for all that you are doing to help during this pandemic. Know that you are both in my prayers and that so many people are so grateful for your service!! Congratulations y’all…and I can’t WAIT for your December wedding!!