This guy is really special to me. Years ago, he used to sit in my Senior British Literature third period class. He was also the starting quarterback for the Norcross High School football team—so my husband was one of his coaches. That year, Joseph led his team to a state championship. I never missed one of his games—he was never ruffled when football players came charging toward him—he was always calm, cool and collected. In the spring, he played baseball, and I was really honored when he picked me as one of his favorite teachers and I got to go walk out with him on the baseball field and watch one of his games. He was an incredible leader on the field and in the classroom, and he has a huge heart. I will never forget the year Joseph was in my class—a student who was in our third period tragically took his own life. The day after I got the news I was sitting at my desk before school started. I was still in shock and I was wondering how I was going to get through the day and be strong for my kids. A little while later, I heard a soft knock at my door. It was Jospeh—and he came to check on me to see if I was doing okay. To him, it may have been a small thing—but to me, it was something that in that difficult time meant so much to me that I’ll never forget it. Our class pulled together and made it through that difficult few weeks—and Jospeh continued to show up wearing this orange Auburn T-shirt giving me a hard time about being a Geogia Alumnae. But that’s okay—because Joseph ended up also graduating from Georgia. :-) Go Dawgs!
I saw Joseph and his sweet girlfriend Molly at several weddings for former students that I photographed over the past few years. When they finally got engaged, I was so excited when they contacted me about photographing their wedding. For their engagement session, they decided on some family land that has been in Jospeh’s family for decades. It was a special place for them, and with the leaves starting to turn in the North Georgia Mountains it made for a stunning backdrop!
Molly is not only planning their wedding—she’s enrolled in medical school and stays pretty busy with that! I loved getting to know her a little better while we traipsed through the golden fields. She looked so pretty in her fuzzy white sweaters, and she has such as sweet spirit and beautiful smile.
Jospeh and Molly were SO sweet and thoughtful—they made sure to remind me to bring a jacket in case it was cooler up in the mountains and Joseph met me at the gate and had me follow him back to the house so I wouldn’t get lost. They are both such sweet and special people, and it is such an incredible privilege for me to capture these memories for them!
Jospeh and Molly, congratulations on your engagement! I can’t wait for next fall!!